It should be easy to rename as no one is using it.
But seriously, this is the kind of bullshit those monopolistic companies are doing all the time. Another infuriating one was with Google’s Go language. Author contacted them that he was using the name for 10 years and even had a book written about the language, but they basically just went with it anyway, because he was nobody and they were Google. Also, this is speculating, but I won’t believe when they came up with the name they didn’t use their Google to look the name up, probably that’s why they closed the issue so quickly. 1 year ago
you’re right in almost everything
Meta has a massive amount of resources, I’m sure they can afford more lawyers than the British company. Courts tend to favor the one with most resources, so the smaller company will have a very hard time trying to make Meta to change their app’s name. 1 year ago
If I was a judge I’d tell meta their attempt to buy what they wanted, then breaking IP law as soon as money couldn’t get what they wanted in hopes money in court would get them what they want is enough guilt for me. You really don’t need a degree in behavioral science to know a tantrum when you see one. This is a money tantrum by meta. 1 year ago
Not so much ch in the UK, but we’ll just have to wait and see. It may just end up that, in the UK, they’ll be called ThreadsUK or some legally-accessible variant of the name that “meaningfully distinguishes” them according to the court.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 1 year ago
Like The London Suede, whom no one, at any time has ever referred to as The London Suede 1 year ago
I’m inclined to believe you, because I’ve never heard of it! 1 year ago
Threadstropolis. 1 year ago
Threads a go-go 1 year ago
And disapprove of the name only because that sounds pretty cool 1 year ago
The UK courts will be inclined to favour the UK company over an American conglomerate. They have to operate within the confines of the law but the British government really do want to show that they can actually act against these big multinationals (they need the win) so there may be quite a lot of interest in this case.
I can totally see the courts been heavily encouraged to throw the book at them as much as possible. 1 year ago
While you’re absolutely right, there is often an element of appeasing the big US tech companies in London, given that the likes of Meta and Amazon are two of the biggest employers in the tech industry here. Pair this with the fact that we’ve got a large tech industry with very zero unicorns or home-grown success stories with a UK HQ, and I can see some pressure to compromise. 1 year ago
Pretty sure the original company will accept at a certain price, they just want to put legal pressure to make it rise, which is fair.