Comment on The UK’s problematic Online Safety Act is now law | Ars Technica ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

It seems like “we’re protecting the CHILDREN!” is supposed to make any kind of bullshit legislation acceptable. It’s the parents’ job to protect the children. It’s the government’s job to maintain order, provide public services, and ensure the security of the country.

If you want to protect children from “legal but harmful” content online, maybe don’t allow your 12-year-old to have a smartphone. How about blocking sites like TikTok and Facebook on the devices that children do have access to. Monitor your children’s online activities. I have said for years that until a child is able to purchase their own tech devices and pay for the service, let them use the family computer.

Governments should hold the parents accountable for raising the children they chose to have, and step in when they choose not to; don’t enact sweeping legislation that harms everyone because the parents refuse to take accountability for their children.
