- Comment on Nintendo filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair, Inc. 5 months ago:
I would love to see a Palworld update that changes the balls to cubes. Same animations and effects, same textures, just stretched over a cube.
- Comment on All things serve the beam. 5 months ago:
Oh 100% agreed. I think it was the Song of Susanahh especially that I thought could have been cut down by about 50%.
And yeah, it would definitely be nice for him to see his work faithfully adapted. I do selfishly hope he takes a backseat creatively though. He’s a phenomenal writer but a terrible filmmaker (imo).
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
Good point, I shouldn’t have used the world ‘literally.’ I was just trying to make the point that there are plenty of creative ways where tremendous amounts of money could end up back in someones pocket when by all means it should have gone elsewhere.
And yes, your example is perfectly believable and I wouldn’t at all be shocked if that kind of thing happened frequently.
- Comment on All things serve the beam. 5 months ago:
Yeah that was a fever dream. On the bright side, Mike Flanagan (The Haunting of Hill House) is apparently the one in charge of a series coming in the next few years. So that should be pretty solid. Fingers crossed lol
- Comment on All things serve the beam. 5 months ago:
Them reciting their mantra when they start shooting, or the shrieking they do when they throw the plates, just makes my skin crawl lol. I hope they omit those if they do an on screen adaptation.
- Comment on Dagger Directive Brings The Old School Tactical Shooter Style In Announcement Trailer 5 months ago:
As a guy who still plays those old school FPS games, they’re for me. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy Ghost Recon Wildlands, but the og GR with the Heroes Unleashed mod is unmatched. Ready or Not is visceral, but SWAT 4 feels better and has infinitely better AI.
- Comment on Dagger Directive Brings The Old School Tactical Shooter Style In Announcement Trailer 5 months ago:
I personally think it’s a cool way to increase situational awareness while using a scope. Also, being an obvious callback to the old Delta Force games, there’s definitely some nostalgia there. I at the very least hope it’s an option that can be toggled on or off.
- Comment on "Concord servers are now offline. Thank you to all the freegunners who have joined us in the Concord galaxy" 5 months ago:
Ace of Spades which, for the record, is open source (in the form of OpenSpades, totally free, has mod support, and self hosted servers.
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
This specifically is a bit of an open secret afaik. There are a few semi prominent examples of big studios pouring a bunch of money into junk, not advertising it or just skipping theatres entirely, then watching it sink.
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
I had a conversation with my sister about that recently.
The amount of shows and movies that have $100,000,000+ budgets is rising, yet half of them feature very limited sets, small casts of mid range talent, and a dozen executive producers all putting up their own money.
Here’s my comparison: a group of 10 investors come out and announce they’re spending a billion dollars to develop a new luxury car. They drum it up as being the next big thing. Then, when it comes out, it’s about as nice and luxurious as a base model Toyota Camry. Fine, but not “a billion dollars” fine. Immediately, everyone would be wondering where the hell that money went? There’s definitely a chance it was just squandered, but you have to wonder. When you have a group of private investors with executive power over the project, what goes on behind closed doors?
For all we know, they’re literally just passing massive checks in a circle to one another to say “yes, it says right here in our bank records that we spent a combined $100,000,000”, meanwhile only 25% actually goes into the production, and they pocket the rest. Then, when the flock of people have to come and check out the new megaproject, all they need to recoup is a few million more than they spent (far less than the perceived budget), and they can run for the hills.
Anywho, crackpot theory time over. But think about it, if my simple brain can think this stuff up, why can’t the hollywood bigwigs, who actually have the capital to make it happen?
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
Most of my favourite movies from when I was a kid are still great movies for me as an adult.
I would bet my next paycheck this is not the case for any kid who grows up seeing this movie. A good kids movie should age with you.
- Comment on Spooky Games 5 months ago:
Dusk. Quake meets Evil Dead. One of the best games I’ve played in years. It’s definitely more of a straight up shooter than a horror game, but the themes/setting/art style nail the spooktober vibe. I replay it every autumn and always have a great time
- Comment on Is Elder Scrolls 6 doomed to fail? I can't see how it will work 5 months ago:
- Comment on Is assasin's creed origins good? 5 months ago:
This is almost exactly my experience, but I stuck it out for more like 30 hours because I really dug that desert setting, which is criminally under used in games.
Also, does anyone remember the Animus Save Editor? Back when Ubisoft Connect was still called UPlay, there was a tab in the in-game overlay that allowed you to change a bunch of parameters of your save game, including disabling enemy leveling, making assassinations insta-kills on any enemy, adjusting DPS for your character as well as NPCs, etc. For some reason though, after Ubisoft rebranded UPlay, they removed the feature. I still have my modified save, but can’t make any further adjustments. It sucks because I was able to make the game feel much closer to the old AC games, and new players can’t.
- Comment on Gearbox's first Risk of Rain 2 expansion gets hammered on Steam as developer admits the PC version 'is in a really bad place' 5 months ago:
Thats great to hear. Not surprised about Starfield tbh, but I am surprised they fixed it for F76, considering it relies largely on the same tech as F4, which does have that limitation.
- Comment on Remedy and Annapurna announce a strategic cooperation agreement on Control 2 5 months ago:
While I dislike Epic as much as the next guy, lets put taste and emotion aside: they went with Epic because Epic offered them a truckload of money. Presumably, enough money to offset any sales lost due to being limited to EGL temporarily, as well as gamers who boycotted the game for the time it was an exclusive, and presumably, no other publisher was offering them as much, or if they were, there were probably even more downsides.
If there was a more financially sensible choice for Remedy, I guarantee you, they would have made it. People have to remember that video games aren’t just passion projects meant exlcusively to please fans, they’re gigantic, expensive undertakings, surrounded by a massive industry that functions with as much bureaucracy and red tape as any other indistry.
- Comment on Gearbox's first Risk of Rain 2 expansion gets hammered on Steam as developer admits the PC version 'is in a really bad place' 5 months ago:
You mean “Bethesda to this day?”
- Comment on Day 43 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 5 months ago:
If anything you’re further selling me on buying one lmao. I’ve been drooling over an OLED for months
- Comment on Top Director at Bungie Was Fired After Misconduct Investigation 5 months ago:
It’s one thing to say “your hair looks nice today, Susan.” I don’t think 99% of people would take that as anything beyond an innocent compliment.
Asking to play truth or dare is another thing entirely, and I have a sneaking suspicion that the guy saying that, probably isn’t going to just be complimenting Tina’s earrings
- Comment on Classic Ubisoft: PS5 players to install an update and restart their save files from scratch due to game-breaking bugs 5 months ago:
I’m personally really split on Ubisoft. They make consistently “solid” games with good PC ports, and in the past they had a great record of making really futureproof PC games (for example, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 1, released in 2006, supports 1440p and 144hz natively in the settings menu with no config tweaks, which I’ve never seen in a game that old).
What pisses me off about Ubisoft isn’t their design philosophy, it’s their business philosophy. Over, and over, and over again, they do the same money grubbing bullshit, get called out, and then reel it back. So you get this cycle of a game being released in a sorry state, then slowly getting fixed to a point where it’s actually how it should have been released. Then, the next game they release, the same cycle repeats.
Also, they’ve proven time and time again that they have next to no respect for Tom Clancy’s values and writing style (cutting edge military tech, but firmly grounded in reality with a slavish attention to detail). I think they finally learned their lesson with xDefiant, but who knows. The next GR game will probably be full of lasers and jetpacks.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
Honestly if you’re unsure, just check out the OST on YouTube and maybe look at a bit of gameplay. If you find yourself bobbing your head and like the artstyle, I’d put my money on this game being worth a buy
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
I unfortunately haven’t played Verlet Swing so I can’t say. What I can say is that this game is one of the most fun of any shooter I’ve played in probably a decade.
- Comment on Day 43 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 5 months ago:
Fellow Linux gamer confirmed?
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
Severed Steel. F.E.A.R. meets Tron, plus a Mega Man arm cannon, plus the movement out of Titanfall. It’s incredibly fun and satisfying to play, and it has an exceptional soundtrack (if you like synth).
Steam page:…/Severed_Steel/
Soundtrack: ……/Severed_Steel_Soundtrack/
- Comment on Someone finally figured out a good use for NFTs: Peter Molyneux is using 'land' sales from his failed blockchain game to fund the development of his new project 5 months ago:
Cause he did that for his last game, Godus in 2013 and it still isn’t finished
- Comment on What are some video games that you would show up to a local tournament for? 5 months ago:
Titanfall is likely the only competitive game I’ll ever dabble in going forward. I’m not even particularly good, I just love the moment to moment gameplay, the meta, the artstyle, everything. If i saw a local tournament, I’d definitely show up just for fun
- Comment on Switch 2 cartridge format leaked via patent 6 months ago:
Those things were so cool, and were absolute junk. I remember the case crackin on Secret Agent Clank, so I carefully pried open my copy of National Treasure 2 that came with the PSP and transplanting it over. Good time
- Comment on Microsoft and Activision have formed a new team within Blizzard to work on smaller 'AA' games based on existing IP 6 months ago:
This… is actually kind of exciting. Two massive studios (potentially) showing they also feel that the current AAA space is saturated with boring, soulless, samey games, year after year.
- Comment on Good game soundtracks? 7 months ago:
It’s great stuff. As a bonus, an artist named Alex Yarmak has put together two albums where he covers the entire OST of each game in a heavy metal style. Great stuff if you like that kind of thing.
- Comment on Good game soundtracks? 7 months ago:
Severed Steel (Chewing Glass Pt 1 and 2 by Floating Door)
BONEWORKS (BONETONES by Michael Wyckoff)
Hotline Miami (Hotline Miami by Various Artists)