Comment on What is going to happen when people realize climate change is rolling in? ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Dealing with it.

Weather gets hotter, more people get A/C. Disasters get more frequent, more people get fucked by disasters.

Areas become less habitable, some people die, some people deal, some people flee. Migration gets more pressing? Borders get closed with increasingly violent measures.

We just had inflation make life 10% more expensive in many countries. That’s about the impact of climate change people in “rich” western countries can expect from climate change, except it will happen more slowly.

As much as climate doomers would hope for collapse, climate change is a slow moving disaster. Humans are adaptable, especially when there is time to adapt. Even the more pessimistic among the realistic/scientific predictions are on the “life will get X% worse” side, not “doom, we all die, no food no water” side.
