It’s a place you put all the servers people are going to remote into as they WFH anyway. Hopefully these areas give the company huge tax incentives that will be paid for by all the tax income they don’t get from all of the ancillary support development that will never happen.
Comment on White House announces 31 tech hubs to focus on AI, clean energy and more 1 year ago
what is a tech hub? what does it do? i hate wishy-washy brochure-ass plans 1 year ago 1 year ago
I think it’s a device you plug all your tech stuff into so they can communicate. It’s not as good as a tech switch though. 1 year ago
Grants for certain regions to build up their tech sector. Specifics are at the bottom of this press release that was linked from that article.…/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administ… 1 year ago
AKA welfare for corporations 1 year ago
Think of it more welfare for cities/regions, along with trying to goose certain industries.
For example, batteries are a key industry US is trying to build, a fundamental part of the near to mid future that we’re finally not outsourcing. I’m originally from near Binghamton NY was fascinated to learn about the proposed battery company based on developments at the University. Fantastic. The thing is, that whole area had been a major tech hub but never recovered from IBM leaving in like the 1990s. A bunch of the IBM buildings were torn down or repurposed, things are gradually growing over the decades but it’s nowhere near as prosperous as it used to be. There was a huge “brain drain” where so many people left and just never came back. My brother considered going back because he could buy blocks of useable houses for under $20k apiece, but there was no hope of population catching up to housing supply
Apologize if anyone is still there and more optimistic, I wish you all the best, but I long ago moved on