Comment on Coming soon to cinemas near you 1 year agoUhh, got any more context on that? Because the messages were VERY fucking convincing.
Comment on Coming soon to cinemas near you 1 year agoUhh, got any more context on that? Because the messages were VERY fucking convincing. 1 year ago
Chris Chan believes that she’s an interdimensional goddess at this point. I really don’t think we can take text messages from random internet trolls at face value. 1 year ago
Personally I don’t think it’s appropriate to use she/her pronouns with Chris
It kind of gives a message saying “I put a delusional moron who believes he’s the reincarnation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth who is both CPU Goddess of the Commodore 64 and ushering in a Dimensional Merge that will make characters from Pokemon and Sonic The Hedgehog real, on equal footing with someone who was assigned the wrong gender at birth.”
And that really isn’t doing anyone any favors… and as an autistic transwoman myself, I find the idea promoted from well-meaning people who don’t know the full situation that she’s “Just like you! Only a little more autistic and with a few more bullies!” to be… disgusting.
Especially since there is evidence that Chris is incredibly suggestible, and that trolls (specifically ones referred to as “The Idea Guys” may have planted the idea of him being trans in his head while he was emotionally vulnerable.
Now I know you can’t normally “convince someone they’re trans”, but Chris isn’t normal… Chris-Chan is someone who’s always had a loose grip on reality, I still remember how he literally broke into tears upon being told Santa Claus wasn’t real… he was in his mid-20’s and was told this in response to wondering why Saint Nick didn’t literally kidnap a young woman, groom her into loving Chris, and leaving her tied up under his Christmas Tree.
Chris-Chan’s story is disturbing form beginning to end. It has not heroes, only villains… The whole thing is also a warning about how you should definitely seek mental help sooner rather than later (Chris never received help because his parents were advanced in age when they had him, and still believed getting mental help meant locking someone up in an Asylum and giving them electric shocks…)
And I say this as someone who actually thinks fondly of Chris. To not recognize Chris as batshit insane as he really is, is hopelessly naive. 1 year ago
I recognize that Chris Chan is bat shit insane, but I also believe fundamentally that we should refer to people by their preferred pronouns. I’m not going to put myself in the position of deciding who meets my requirements of being trans - epistemologically that’s a very hard thing to “prove.” I don’t like the precedent of this person is bad/crazy so they aren’t valid as trans people - we don’t “earn” our right to be called the correct pronoun. Would I have concerns about Chris Chan being sane enough to make reasonable decisions about HRT? Yes - but there’s zero harm in acknowledging the pronouns she prefers.
I just really think it’s dangerous to let the internet decide who is “allowed” to be considered trans. I’m a transgender man myself - I’ve experienced significant sexual trauma and there is definitely a narrative that women who aren’t really trans are tricked into transitioning because of sexual trauma.
I also do think in Christory there’s more evidence than just the Idea Guys. She historically showed a lot of disgust and comfort with penises and men. I understand not wanting her in “our camp” but I strongly believe in referring to people the way they wish to be referred to.
I think the true horror of Chris Chan’s story is that the internet can harass a severely disabled person for several decades, and folks will treat this as acceptable or deserved. Chris Chan’s break with reality makes sense - how many fake girlfriends have there been now? - but people really love the craziness. I actually like her work (in an outsider artist sense) but someone should have stopped this insanity two decades ago. 1 year ago
Context is everything, Chris’ disgust with penises was the result of homophobia, being incredibly outspoken about it to the point of having an arc in his comic where his blood is used for a vaccine to cure gayness, and his dislike of men started in his 20’s when he believed that the “Infinitely High Boyfriend Factor” was a thing, and that all of the men were “stealing all the pretty girls and leaving him with none”
He was also a giant misogynist and a record of only seeing women as sex objects, to the point of thinking it was not only appropriate to draw porn of his childhood friend and put that on the internet (To prove that he wasn’t gay, yes this happened the picture is called ShecameforCWC), then told her that she was the one who did something wrong by being upset about this, and actually yelled at Sony for not enabling him to buy sex from her with a PSP… Seriously.
The extent to which Chris was “Made the way he was by the trolls” is often overstated, friendly reminder when he sexually assaulted his own mother he wasn’t goaded into it, tricked, or blackmailed, he did it of his own freewill and his trolls were not only shocked he did this, but were the ones who reported this to the police in the first place.
But that aside, we’re just going to have to agree to disagree here…
I legitimately think Chris has gender issues, but I think a lot of that is being ignorant of how gender works in general and not understanding men and women beyond “Men are tough and like babes and brewskis!” and “Women be shopping and they hug each other and stuff!”, due in a large part to the fact that pop culture is all he knows, and he can’t even get that right.