That’s the WiFi, you STILL gotta have a cable or three somewhere.
Comment on Huh, I'm closer to being Borg than I realized. 1 year ago
Why do they have cables at all? The individual borglings seem to be able to talk to the borg mind without any cables. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Wireless power transmission is bretty shitty in practice. Anything transmitted wirelessly will be occupying that space in whatever scifi spectrum they’re using. So for high speed data transfer also they will have much much more spectrum. To use within each each cable. 1 year ago
No matter what companies will tell you, cables is always faster and more efficient than wireless, there’s physical reasons foe that. Drones are linked to others and to cubes wirelessly because they need to do stuff and move around. Vessels are linked wirelessly with each other for obvious reasons. But there is likely an elabration center in each vessel and it’s going to be cabled to every alcove and every sensor and actuator of the ship 1 year ago
Whenever those cables get broken in the show they have steam, water or green fire coming out of them.