Comment on Ben Shapiro casually supporting war crimes 1 year ago100% THIS. I can’t understand and haven’t from the beginning of this disaster or human embarrassment- why people are choosing sides.
They’re both complete shit.
Comment on Ben Shapiro casually supporting war crimes 1 year ago100% THIS. I can’t understand and haven’t from the beginning of this disaster or human embarrassment- why people are choosing sides.
They’re both complete shit. 1 year ago
Yeah, ffs, if you want to fight a war, leave both side’s kids out of it.
14 and younger is too early for anyone to die, I swear if that asshole Trump really is the Antichrist (look it up, I’m no Christian but the “Kek and Medjet” meme energy is strong with that theory) and the bible was right (and if so, that these really are the end times), I hope every last person who has willingly killed a child or ordered someone to kill children goes to the 10th circle of hell or whatever passes for it, no matter what god or concept they believe in. Especially Trump (see the Mexican immigrant kids who his illegal “task force” of bigots basically kidnapped and let starve) and Putin, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Justice needs to be served for every child, whether they were enslaved on cocoa farms, working in slaughterhouses in the state that changed child labor laws, sent to juvenile detention for crimes they didn’t commit because the judge was getting kick-backs from a corporate prison, or killed in school shootings.
People say we hate child abuse. I strongly suspect what people really hate is the feeling of disgust that enter their heads if they hear “sex” and “kids” in the same sentence, which would be understandable if it was genuine concern (nobody, especially kids, should be subject to sex against their will, and yes, kids cannot consent) but it’s not. If it was, guns would be regulated, school bus routes would be required to never cross railroad tracks, and any leader - corporate or government - responsible for the intentional or negligent death of a child due to actions that used political/managerial authority would be executed.
I am so done with reality. Wake me up on November 12, if we’re still around by then. 1 year ago
Brother I really hate to say it, but nobody is going anywhere when they die.
Also, what is on the 12th? 1 year ago
Nothing, but it’s three days after the 7th Anniversary of Trump’s election, hence the anti-Christ thing. I doubt Jesus will rise, but three days is long enough to safely say November 9th meant nothing.
Also, no hard feelings on the “no one’s going anywhere when they die”. I have a slight, possibly deluded hope that the afterlife is a dream you never wake up from, but despite that I’m no Q-Anon style idiot and I don’t have a reason to think anything is special about 2023/11/09, especially if nothing happens.
I’m just saying, this thing in Gaza has awfully strange timing. If things are as deterministic as scientific evidence generally points towards, I would think December would be a more apt time for tempers to flare in that region due to food prices and religious holidays. 1 year ago
I doubt the world will end in 3 days, but I enjoyed reading what you wrote and agree on pretty much most of what you said, scarily enough we actually write very similarly and hold quite a few of the same beliefs.