- Comment on Business Insider would like Gen Z to know that anxiety is healthy and their problem is that they need more of it. 1 year ago:
No, that’s not what I’m saying. Nor is it what they’re saying. But you go ahead and see what you want to see.
- Comment on Business Insider would like Gen Z to know that anxiety is healthy and their problem is that they need more of it. 1 year ago:
Because again, NUANCE. Not all jobs are the same and some are stressful by their nature. No one here is saying that a McDonald’s job should be stressful or involve anxiety. But believe it or not- some jobs REQUIRE you to work in stressful environments.
Stress and anxiety can be healthy. Look it up. Or of course you can continue to argue about articles written by people who actually have researched the subject extensively, and understand how it works.
- Comment on Business Insider would like Gen Z to know that anxiety is healthy and their problem is that they need more of it. 1 year ago:
Yep. I just pointed out how this article misrepresents the point of the research.
- Comment on Business Insider would like Gen Z to know that anxiety is healthy and their problem is that they need more of it. 1 year ago:
Way to completely misunderstand the point of the article:
“Gen Z being open about mental health issues is a “watershed moment” in the workplace and sparking meaningful change in the long term, according to Pike.”
~ Pointing out the progress made in brining theee things to the surface.
"At the same time, in the effort to talk about mental health and share around mental illness, there can also become an expanded discourse of experience that at times loses track of normal fluctuation of human experience and mental illness,"
~ pretty self-explanatory here if you’re not polarized and understand how nuance works.
“Feeling stressed out when you have a deadline or feeling sad, disappointed or anxious are “normal life experiences.”
~ again, self-explanatory, but the gist is that anxiety and stress are normal and oftentimes even beneficial. It’s part of nature and as animals, it’s healthy that we have this. Expecting a completely stress-free working environment is absolutely ridiculous and unrealistic.
- Comment on PlayStation won't launch any "major" games in existing franchises this year 1 year ago:
Hope this means fresh new IP. I’m so sick of remasters and sequels. We need new stuff.
- Comment on Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job 1 year ago:
Because critical thinking never intersects with conspiracy theories.
- Comment on Everyone makes incest jokes about Adam and Eve and their children but they never mention that there was another woman named Lilith (Adam's first wife) who would have added variance to the gene pool. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Diagon Lemmy - A Queer-friendly, Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out) 1 year ago:
You’re not hosting a Tucker Carlson server to praise alt-right values
They may as well, to the kids on lemmy, they’re the exact same thing. There’s absolutely no nuance here at all. The hive-mind dictates what governs the outrage.
- Comment on Diagon Lemmy - A Queer-friendly, Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out) 1 year ago:
*heating up the popcorn and preparing for the outraaaaage!
- Comment on “Wherever you get your podcasts” is a radical statement - Anil Dash 1 year ago:
It’s no more radical than saying… “wherever you get you gasoline.” It’s just a thing to say because theres more than one source, and there being more than one source is not radical.
- Comment on How do you tell the difference between dream and reality? 1 year ago:
Or they meant to say “games aren’t dreams?”
- Comment on How do you tell the difference between dream and reality? 1 year ago:
The fuck?
- Comment on How do you tell the difference between dream and reality? 1 year ago:
One happens when you sleep. The other happens when you’re awake.
- Comment on are people still all riled up about beehaw? 1 year ago:
None of those are walled gardens kiddo. Look at how Behaw is run and compare.
Not the same.
- Comment on Where are the good political songs? 1 year ago:
Spreading the Disrase also…
Fighting fire with empty words While the banks get fat and the poor stay poor And the rich get rich and the cops get paid To look away as the one percent rules America
They were talking about the 1% LONG before it was popular to do so.
- Comment on Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide 1 year ago:
$41.99 on sale. And I wasn’t asking for help from you.
- Comment on Where are the good political songs? 1 year ago:
Wait… we should be outraged?
- Comment on are people still all riled up about beehaw? 1 year ago:
Walled gardens don’t have a long shelf-life on the internet. They’re fading away.
- Comment on What’s a “sovereign citizen “? 1 year ago:
Ignorant losers that are trying to grift their way through life tho king they’ve found loopholes that allow them to circumvent the laws that normal people follow.
- Comment on WSJ lead editor annoyed that they don't control the narrative anymore: "We owned the news" 1 year ago:
Just destroyed from what I see.
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
Oooh! Look at that! A bunch of people opining on a picture with zero context given! What a special surprise! We never see this happen nowadays.
Obligatory /s.
- Comment on Patient Zero 1 year ago:
TLDR: he’s a cowardly manchild.
- Comment on If Eternalism is real (the theory of past, present, and future existing simultaneously) then time travel is going to a WHERE more than going to a WHEN. 1 year ago:
The theory of time travel has always been about both.
- Comment on I Wonder What Star Citizen Is Up To - Aftermath 1 year ago:
Reread what I said:
playable RELEASED.
- Comment on I Wonder What Star Citizen Is Up To - Aftermath 1 year ago:
A playable game is always better than one that is not playable.
- Comment on I Wonder What Star Citizen Is Up To - Aftermath 1 year ago:
Elite dangerous exists as a playable released game.
Case closed.
- Comment on I Wonder What Star Citizen Is Up To - Aftermath 1 year ago:
Grifting idiots, I would imagine.
- Comment on Are MRNA vaccines any riskier than other vaccines? 1 year ago:
No. It’s too late in the game for your friend to be that stupid. Maybe find smarter friends.
- Comment on Work placement rewards om 2044 1 year ago:
Cringe post is cringy.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I think you’re missing my point.