Comment on The Top 20 Richest People On Forbes 400 Are So Rich They Could Buy The Bottom 340 Billionaires — And Still Have Billions Left Over

<- View Parent ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

We absolutely could do things if society as a whole agreed to. Billionaires only exist because we let them exist. The only thing stopping us from taxing all money over a certain amount is us.

Unfortunately, I have little faith in our ability to convince people that we should massively step up our taxation. We can’t even get billionaires to pay the percentage of income tax that they’re theoretically supposed to pay. How are we supposed to convince enough people to go above and beyond?

A huge number of people somehow have the idea that billionaires deserve this money. Or that just because their wealth isn’t cash means we can’t take it away. Many people seem afraid to make some big changes to our economy no matter how badly we seem to need them. If we want to make changes, it’s every day voters that need to be convinced.
