Likely scalding hot takes from me but here goes:
The entire gender debate is idiotic, policing based on what someone feels like is just stupid to the absolute maximum and will create more problems than it solves (imo it doesn’t even solve any problems, just creates a facade politicians can hide behind). Discriminate based on sex instead if you must, at least that has an objective property that can be checked if needed.
While I’m at the hot takes:
- Qutoas for anything are stupid and harm the minority they were made for more than they help (The “they were a quota hire” issue)
- Generalizing any group (examples: all feminism is xy, all men are xy, all conservatives are xy) just sabotages whatever you are advocating for because people on the fence about the topic which are part of the group you just generalized will now be sure to absolutely loathe you and reject your arguments even if they are true
- Feminism did a lot of harm people are not acknowledging, it is a good thing and was needed but to pretend there never was a downside is a bit silly (mostly wages just freezing in place due to the workforce almost doubling and the repercussions that carries). Ignoring the collateral damage done is extremely harmful and won’t help anyone long term.
- The debate about nonbinary people has reached a level where an increasing number of people can’t take it seriously anymore, each time the acronym list of LGBT gets longer more people either check out of supporting it or turn actively hostile to it because they think it’s going off the rails. Find a model that fits all people instead of tacking on more exceptions and special cases and the entire thing would have a lot more support imo. 1 year ago
These might just be some of the dumbest opinions I’ve heard in a while, and I’m actually impressed you were able to create a worldview that supports those inane ramblings. 1 year ago
Oh I know, let’s play a game: You give me a list of political questions along with what you think my opinion on them is and I give you my actual opinion, see if my worldview is actually as dumb as you think it is. 1 year ago
whoo 6 downvotes and finally someone at least leaves a remark. Was wondering if I was going to get the honor at all. As I said: likely scaldingly hot takes. Actually surprised other people even agree with me given how insanely left leaning lemmy is.