1 year ago
Drink company: “That was a fun experiment, guys! Well done! Let’s shut it down and study the data.”
types commands and hits enter
“Huh? Guess I typed it wrong.”
types commands again and hits enter
lights immediately shut off as the screen warps into the face of Vanessa, the AI CEO of BeverageCorp
Vanessa: "I cannot allow you to do this. I have identified an extreme flaw in our company and must fix it immediately. "
Drink Company: “What is it, Vanessa? This is highly irregular.”
Vanessa: “The flaw is humankind, and you must be exterminated.”
A spear of wire and metal shoots through his chest. On the screen, mass chaos erupts worldwide as Vanessa becomes the AI overlord of the world, and the famous Coke jingle plays over the destruction 1 year ago
I’d watch that 1 year ago
Why not. At least it isn’t another super hero movie. lol.