Comment on Apple removes app created by Andrew Tate 1 year agoPWAs are just a shell game for less than savory ideas. Can’t get your app onto a store? That can’t be your fault, it must be the store! I better push that shit myself so that I can make sure everyone gets involved in my pyramid scheme and misogyny. Again, we are into the consequences of free speech, and a PWA will do less to protect you than a store front will. To go back to the bomb analogy, if you built a batch of bombs and took the pallet to Wal-Mart and tried to get them to add you to their vendor list, they’d say “no,” obviously. So, you take the PWA approach and hock them on the street. You are still selling bombs. Just because you took a DIY approach doesn’t suddenly make it OK. Free speech is free speech until it is abused, and then you shut the fuck up and let people live their lives without trying to take advantage of them. The more options we give, the more abuse we will endure. People like Andrew Tate are a stain on society, and I’m totally fine if their right to free speech is taken away. They lost their chance. Give someone else the podium. 1 year ago
And in your example I would expect the court, following due process, in an open opinion, to put restrictions on that person’s ability to sell, and market their bombs.
PWA’s have lots of advantages:
You can do app monetization without giving a cut to an app store which I believe hovers around 30%.
You can push updates at your own schedule.
You can develop once and deploy to every platform with a web browser.
You don’t have to abide by any third parties requirements, but you do have to follow the law of your local jurisdiction. As everyone does 1 year ago
I wish I could breathe in that Utopian air that you seem to be huffing. 1 year ago
You’re the exact caricature of STEM bro lmao 1 year ago
Are STEMBros not deserving of a conversation? Are they beyond reason?
But that’s beside the point, your latest ad hominem attack, has changed my mind. I agree with you completely we should de-platform everybody you don’t like. Could you send a list over to the ISP? We’ll get on it right now 1 year ago
So you shouldn’t use somebody’s actions and conduct to judge their character?
Sure, let’s start with