Comment on X revokes paid blue check from United Auto Workers after strike called ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Elin Musk is a sociopathic scammer who got very lucky.

He is not a great engineer, he’s a dumbass who got fired from his own company for being incompetent. When the company was bought he raked in the cash from the shares he had, that’s all. All his “great ideas” are face palmingly stupid.

He’s petty and vengeful. When rescuers were risking their lives getting kids out of a cave denied his stupid idea, he called them a pedophile just because fuck you. That is musk in a nutshell.

He doesn’t give a shit about anything or anybody but himself. He forces people to work in near slave like conditions. Do it or get fired and lose your house, or maybe deported.

He. Lies. About. Everything. Probably the only person worse than Trump when it comes to continuous lying. Every promise he made is bullshit. Tesla will… nope.

He was the bright light behind the decision not to use flame diverters (standard tech from the 60’s) when his next SpaceX toy was launched, because it would take too much time to build and it would not be needed… a decision which utterly obliterated the launch platform, pelted even cars on a parking lot 5 kilometers away and polluted the entire surroundings. All because he needs to show the world how big his dick is. Then when the rocket blew up over Mexican territory (nice self destruct that didn’t even work) everyone cheered because rockets… should… Blow up? Oh yeah, that was by design. WTF?

And as always, he just laughs it off and his fans laugh with him because “it’s Elon man, he’s cool!”

Fuck everything about this guy, may he step on a Lego every day he gets out of bed.
