Comment on Think of the children 1 year agoI think you meant to a reply that asked for higher taxes or more government power, because that wasn’t what mine said.
Also, i am quite happy letting the government have the “power” to stop child labour and child marriage. If that’s an overstep in your book, then i don’t like your book. What seems an overstep in government power to me is regulating what people can do with their own bodies. Why isn’t that offensive to you? 1 year ago
The implication of all left/right ultimately boils down to taxes/force. I dont like force or taxes. This extends to bodily rights. However if you mean abortions issues, there is a true coin-flip on who’s body gets priority. (The solution is to not regulate it so that people that want it can do it and people who dont dont have to fund it. No force, no taxes. Consistency). 1 year ago
The mother’s body. It should take priority every single time. 1 year ago
You see how its a conundrum, right? That two sides of a dichotomy are definitionally extreme… 1 year ago
That’s not even close to being correct 1 year ago
Eh, I see how you got there but I dunno about that. In my terms, a Communist (far left) State redistributes all wealth (~100% tax) and in a Minarchist system (far right) there is virtually no tax because there is virtually no State to fund. Thus no reason to employ force to gain said funding. The game theory is clear either way; A small State can only inflict small tyranny. A (mid to) large State typically has a war-machine.
I am more Right-skewed than typical Conservatives. I identify as Libertarian, but the LP itself is/was a mess. Mises Caucus seems legit tho. I believe that the State has limited rightful duties. As enumerated in the Constitution, the feds only need power to 1)Make and maintain currency shit (shit job), 2) Enforce or sovereignty (shit job), and 3) Enforce and promote popular law (shit job). But they want to do everything else…
Do you think your taxes are well spent? I know you dont, lmfao. If they reallocate spending then maybe I’d be cool with (some) taxes. Here and now, no. Im being misrepresented and it’s tantamount to theft. The problem isnt lack of funding, its more a lack of budgeting and prioritizing the wrong stuff. Making another committee or council only worsens the issue. They must be starved. 1 year ago
Dude, I’m sorry, but this just demonstrates a bizarre misunderstanding of the left and right spectrum, and a complete misunderstanding of communism.
The left-right dichotomy most certainly represents opposition or favour toward liberal capitalist democratic states. Here’s a rough outline. 1 year ago
Technically communism should be a moneyless, stateless society. No government to give taxes to. No corporations to take your money. No money to take. No one to force things. It’s all for the people by the people. The idea that you’re pointing to communism as force in order to defend your decision to vote republican on an article about pedophelia is pretty telling. This is why some people assume libertarians want to fuck kids.