Comment on Think of the children ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Government allows questionable laws to exist on the books Government spends money in misguided places More government will make it better.

There’s a Thomas Sowell book called ‘Conflict of Visions,’ its pretty neat. Ultimately he breaks Left/Right into two philosophies: The Anointed believe everything can be solved with infinte money, and the Blighted believe that some problems are inherintly hard and cannot be solved without an impossible level of force. Basically P vs NP but with people.

I dont think giving more money to the government will save the world. Tax revenue is up, government spending is up-- but the problems persist… Then consider that an endless national debt may destroy the economic enviroment of today’s children as they grow up. I dont know about you but this ‘9% transitory inflationy’ has cut my buying power nearly in half!

The only answer provided ever is give the government more money/power. Its pretty silly. No thanks. They’ll just use to pedal soft-power to sketchy Eastern blok nations again, lol. Uncongressional wars for two decades. Create a spying apparatus that makes Stalin blush… Its a joke.
