That’s the part you are missing. Modern charging doesn’t use standard USB power. That’s the whole fast charging landscape is addressing.
Read this
The power brick can supply more than 5 V over a standard USB port because it’s not adhering to USB standards for supplying power. As a result, data and power are decoupled, allowing the power brick to supply more than a standard USB port over a connector and cable which are identical to USB ports and cables. 1 year ago
It’s a little complicated. A USB-3 connection must provide higher current 900mA than a USB-2 connection 500mA. As such a USB-3 data connection can charge faster than a USB-2 connection - some people may call this “fast charging”.
However USB-PD (Power Delivery, aka fast charging) was released as part of the USB 3.1 specification, but it does not require a USB-3 data connection and neither does a USB-3 data connection require USB-PD. You can see all the different USB-C modes on Wikipedia as well, where USB-2 and Power Delivery are listed separately:…