It’s all just scapegoats for other systematic failures in culture, education, and social saftey nets, but those are hard to fix. Easier to just blame the platform and not make any real changes.
You mean like blaming guns?
It’s all just scapegoats for other systematic failures in culture, education, and social saftey nets, but those are hard to fix. Easier to just blame the platform and not make any real changes.
You mean like blaming guns? 1 year ago
Not at all like blaming guns. A gun is a tool used to cause death. The other things are all being claimed as vectors to cause someone to use a gun to cause death. If someone didn’t have easy access to a gun it would be much harder to go on a killing spree regardless of how radicalized they are. 1 year ago
sure, like renting a moving truck. or using box cutters to take over an airplane. regardless of how radicalized they are. keep drinking the kool aid. 1 year ago
You come at me with a box cutter and I’ll defend myself with a rifle and let’s see which one is more dangerous.
I’m fine with people renting box trucks and using knives in mass murder attempts, because statistically those attempts are far less successful than those with guns.
Shit one QAnon lunatic tried to ram a hospital ship with a train. Fuck em. Let em fail.