Uggh, the anti-space argument is always the same. “Let’s focus on earth first” Earth is always going to have problems, this mindset gets us nowhere. It’s not like the people thinking about the space poop problem would all be hard at work solving earth poop problems if they weren’t allowed to think about space waste. These things are so incredibly not mutually exclusive. Furthermore, it’s entirely possible that some out of box thinking about how to manage moon waste ends up making for a creative solution for earth waste management that has a huge impact. Perhaps we need little packets of genetically modified yeast placed in moon poop bags to eat up the waste, and it turns out that putting that in Portapotties helps with odor, decontamination and insect burden. Who knows. It’s never too soon to seriously start thinking about space problems. 1 year ago
You will know us by the trail of our rubbish.