How is it that when it comes to reckless ideas and notions Congress takes millions of years and the Pentagon takes no more than three business days to implement? 1 year ago
Maybe can we take a step back and ask whether we need thousands of AI defense bots at all? Or are we past that point? 1 year ago 1 year ago
I don’t like it but I think we do. China and Russia will certainly have them and they will get ten for better in a same amount of years.
I watched the Ted talk on defense drivers. Scary shit. Thing is I work with commercial cameras and have, in hand, camera that can not only identify all kinds of objects such a human’s, they can recognize individual humans and put a name to them. They can recognize if people are loitering or if someone is being followed. They can reconsider a car from a truck from a bus from a bike. This is not done in a server but thru the power of the CPU in the camera alone. The cost. 500 dollars.
Point being the power available in such a low cost item is staggering. Combined with a weapons platform and it is scary. A terrorist group could distribute hundreds into bushes and they could just sit there for a week in low power mode, waiting to recognize a simple person and spring into action. This is stuff we have right now off the shelf.
What will be part of military arsenals in ten years will eclipse this current tech significantly. Troops won’t be ambushed by live human fire but by thousands of drones that care not for their survival. 1 year ago
It’s the nuclear arms race part deux: AI boogaloo. 1 year ago
What I think is dangerous is terrorists or mass killers getting dozens or hundreds of small drones and installing explosives on them. Install these cameras and CPUs you mentioned that can recognize human faces and have them fly into someone’s face and then explode.
You could kill many people and unless we start installing AA turrets all over our populated cities, there seems to be little we can do to stop it. 1 year ago
I had mentioned that in an earlier post. It is pretty scary. They could sit in a bush for a month using extremely low power motion detection. See any motion turn on camera to look for human recognition.