- Comment on How did we get humans on the moon in 1969 and are still struggling to get the Starship rocket to launch properly? 10 months ago:
To put it in context, Artemis did many fully destructive tests but typically on the ground. Artemis had and spent an overhaul budget that was likely close to a hundred times that of what SpaceX is spending in today’s dollars.
And even better representation, all the fully destructive tests of SpaceX have carried out have costs less than a single successful shuttle launch. And it has a much larger payload.
Even with the destructive tests, of which are planned this way, not only is SpaceX is far cheaper than any past space program, they are advancing fairly rapid.
- Comment on The reason why we never meet time travelers is because our civilization ends before the technology can come to fruition. 10 months ago:
Basically everytime you go back it will make changes to the future in such way you don’t exist thus the time machine by its very nature can never be discovered. Everyone that does immediately erases their future self from existence.
- Comment on We are beings made of atoms in the universe, who are studying atoms in the universe 10 months ago:
A rock may be intelligence. It just thinks at a far shower rate than humans.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
A better question is, would more houses get built and if so, who would build those houses? If not, and there are more people needing houses than houses available, do you not think that the extra money would mean people would be willing to pay more?
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Talk about inflation spiral. lol
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Who opens them up exactly? And that person who invests in a restaurant will leave some other job resulting in that much less product being built this something rises in price somewhere.
Rent caps just result in less people or corporations investing in rental properties. If you are alread have 90 houses and 100 people want to rent, how does caps encourage more houses?
At the end of the day the only thing that matters is how productive we are in total. Anything that is scarce will be high in price and if you mandate a lower price, then some people will simply not have shelter if you want to use that example.
- Comment on Why do (desktop) PC have so few USB ports ? 1 year ago:
Lemmy is pretty caustic platform if someone doesn’t agree with you.
- Comment on There's more people who wake up at the same second than people who fall asleep at the same second. 1 year ago:
Is good. I bet we would have some massive power failures as well.
- Comment on Old articles are clogging up search engines 1 year ago:
Worse, many articles do not have the year in the date. What the hell is up with that?
- Comment on How is Russia not Financially Crippled? 1 year ago:
Oil and gas is massively profitable. Western nations have crippled that industry resulting in countries like Russia becoming energy giants. The world is consuming new records in consumption this year and let capita, developed nations are nearly a factor more then emerging nations.
- Comment on How is it possible to start a business if you have no money and skills, but have an idea? 1 year ago:
I work with a few hundred businesses and most have a good idea and know their product well. The majority that fail do so because of the administrative business side of things. Billing, expenses, tracking inventory and costs. A good idea is only half the work.
Don’t be discouraged but ensure you keep an eye on the business side of things. Beyond that, some of the suggestions here are valid.
- Comment on Why are so many countries in the world “developing” and poor, while essentially only Western countries have a high standard of living? 1 year ago:
Mostly corruption and stability doesn’t allow for business to develop along with the wealth that brings.
There are other factors but mainly you need good governance and free markets to allow for wealth creation. It at least that is the only model that has worked so far.
- Comment on Are MRNA vaccines any riskier than other vaccines? 1 year ago:
They been around for some time. Sped up testing significantly during COVID but with COVID they have a massive data set to verify it’s safety. Likely factors more then most drugs. I am personally pretty confident in the usage of RMA proceedures.
- Comment on How have you personally found the Lemmy community compared to its competition and other social media? 1 year ago:
It funny you bring up r/conservatism. It use to be a fairly big sub and far more moderate until Trump got into power. But if you had anything bad to say about Trump, banned.
Now it is just an echo chamber with few members. Go there and given day and only a few posts with up vote above 100. Really mostly a bunch of pathetic people since the moderate conservatives left.
Lemmy can be a bit this way but on the opposite spectrum.
- Comment on How have you personally found the Lemmy community compared to its competition and other social media? 1 year ago:
Same. And I like some disagreement as that brings discussion. Lemmy can be pretty toxic if you don’t echo back the expected.
- Comment on Reddit & Gaza situation 1 year ago:
I think you missed though that Jews were driven from Palestine in the eighth and ninth century. If you want to bring history up you need to include that.
- Comment on Does the rest of the English speaking world generally understand what an American means when they say "soccer", or does it help to clarify by adding "football"? 1 year ago:
But if an American says football, that can create a bit of confusion.
- Comment on Does Mach speed change depending on the altitude? 1 year ago:
Yes a fair amount. At ground is about 760mph at 40000 feet about 659.
Temp and humidity factor some as well.
- Comment on Instead of only voting for one candidate we should be able to upvote or downvote each candidate 1 year ago:
Yes. Often there are unintended results. I think another issue is that many people would have difficulty understanding the math behind it. It is not complex but it doesn’t end up with concise results sometimes and distrust in the system can certainly jilt some people as we have witnessed enough.
- Comment on What's the deal with buying single cans out of a multipack at a bottle shop? (Australia) 1 year ago:
If it is in a closed packb and no price is listed individually, then it is likely not for sale individually. You certainly should not be opening something to take one out.
- Comment on Are any self-cleaning cat litter boxes any good, or worth the money? 1 year ago:
Cat Genie.
Bit expensive and you need to connect to water and a drain. Either toilet or near washing machine works.
It worked for us for about 4 years. Works very well and washes the litter each use.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Think it has been a few hundred years since Christianity has been outwardly expressing hate and acting on it. If course there will be individuals that are extreme. Mostly it is edge lords that like to include it in these overall statements.
- Comment on Why would I want to use the multi-desktop functionality in Windows 11? 1 year ago:
And if you collaborate with you ride it kids, ie share bookmarks etc, this is much easier then separate accounts and speeds up login requirements.
- Comment on Is there a way to see user likes and dislikes on lemmy? 1 year ago:
Could be someone running a server. Would be easy for them to wholesale script to go thru all your posts and down vote.
- Comment on How long do you think until AI writes and debugs code better than the average programmer? 1 year ago:
Well eventually increased productivity could mean less jobs. Likely in fact. Just maybe not in our lifetime.
- Comment on Why do people always assume you're part of a group just because you're defending them? 1 year ago:
A cop was ambushed and murdered in a post about a month back. It had quite a few comments and absolutely everyone if them was praising it. The down votes I got were a point of pride in telling people how scummy they were. This is a Lemmy problem. Other then some pretty far right websites, few social platforms have this kind of response. Is embarrassing.
- Comment on Why do people always assume you're part of a group just because you're defending them? 1 year ago:
And my point stands. Lol.
- Comment on Why do people always assume you're part of a group just because you're defending them? 1 year ago:
You know the ruling class is not behind every policy. Polarization is certainly not a policy they try and encourage in governments. Sometimes the working class has to take blame for their behaviour.
- Comment on Why do people always assume you're part of a group just because you're defending them? 1 year ago:
Defend the police and you are a boot licker on Lemmy.
- Comment on We're all just in Stockholm Syndrome to whatever culture we were born into. 1 year ago:
So you agree with it but escaped it?
Then again maybe you are subject to some other form of Stockholm syndrome?