Never heard of it either, it wouldn’t surprise me if this is some kind of PR for it!
Comment on It's not just you — no one is posting on social media anymore 1 year ago
Wtf is bereal ? Lol 1 year ago 1 year ago
Same - but after diggin’ a little i found that there’s already a new app called beFake. With beReal you have to take a photo when prompted - it takes 2 photos - back and front - so people can see you and what you are looking at. Filters are now allowed.
I think the point of this app, is to show yourself as you are in the location you happen to be in that moment, unfiltered
If you don’t take the pics when prompted, you loose points, credit or karma ( don’t know what they call their virtual point system )
beFake ist the opposite, the logic is the same - yo get prompted to take the pics - but here you have an AI Image generator, to which you have to tell in what fake world you want to be portrayed in and you can ( or must ) filter yourself to the max lol 1 year ago
It kinda had a small viral moment in my social circles about half a year ago or so… 1 year ago
My Zoomer sister-in-law told me about it. It’s an app that will randomly prompt everyone to take a picture using both the front and back cameras and you have a limited amount of time to do it. The idea being that because it’s random you can’t really prepare anything beforehand so the content is more “real” and everyone can see what they all do day to day
I’m a fan of the reality part but not so much a fan of allowing your life to be timed by a social media company 1 year ago
That is the zoomerest shit that ever zoomed.