Comment on Are you holding off on any game in particular right now? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Starfield is honestly the only new game that mildly interests me (ES6 is years away still), and I'm holding out on that one until 1.) a GPU that can run it smoothly at 2,5k with no DLSS/FSR shenanigans costs 500€ or less so I can actually afford it; 2.) script extender comes out and lays the framework for not just mods, but amazing mods; 3.) the ongoing thargoid war reaches its conclusion and wraps up and doesn't immediately lead to rogue guardian AI showing up or Empire and Federation throwing themselves into mutual assured destruction or whatever.

On the other hand, if Starfield won't have HOTAS support, I'll probably put it on hold indefinitely and try out Star Citizen instead, if I ever get bored of Elite. Maybe pick it up when it's 10€ on a sale in half a decade. Fallout 3 didn't turn out to be my cup of tea, after all, and Starfield may fall in the same category. And this is fine.
