Imagine that, people in the wealthiest nations in the world, wanting to meet their basic needs for survival with dignity. Ha ha ha, when will they ever learn, right my friend?
Comment on Fucking leeches 1 day ago
ITT: people who want free housing without understanding the costs of owning a house 1 day ago 21 hours ago
Owning a house isn’t that expensive.
I own one. It’s so much cheaper than renting it’s not even funny. I could pay someone to do all the work I don’t want to and still come out so far ahead it’s not even funny.
Renting is a scam for useful idiots. 1 hour ago
Well I hope nothing ever goes wrong with your house’s roof or siding or HVAC or foundation or plumbing or electrical or… 10 hours ago
Owning a house isn’t that expensive. It’s so much cheaper than renting
The good thing is, people who don’t want to rent can buy. I highly encourage people to do exactly that. 13 hours ago
Or maybe just quality, affordable, public housing?
Look at what Finland has done for an example.