That’s a large part of why I avoid That’s not all of them though.
Comment on Trump is giving Russian cyber ops a free pass – and putting western democracy on the line. 2 days ago
I’ve been talking about it for quote a long time.
Lemmy for one is infested with Russian pretending to be American.
Davel and a hundred others 2 days ago 2 days ago
It’s not all of them, but it’s enough to influence idiots.
Like people seriously underestimate Russian disinfo and cyber warfare.
You’ll find Russians absolutely fucking everywhere.
People exactly like Davel.
I had a similar moron on Ireland discord claim he’s native born Irish, I taunted him to voice channel and when he spoke it was a very heavy Russian accent, and bro didn’t even know what a limerick is.
It’s beyond easy to catch poorly educated Ruskis playing westerners if you keep any wits about you. 2 days ago
Like people seriously underestimate Russian disinfo and cyber warfare.
You’ll find Russians absolutely fucking everywhere.
If you see russians everywhere you are probably underestimating american disinfo and cyber warfare. USA has the most powerful and technological advanced army in the world and they spend 10 times more in war than russia. For every russian agent you see expect there to be at last 1 american. 2 days ago
Yes hello.
I was waiting for one of you to turn up.
Don’t think I be forgotten your nickname.
Nice strawmanning, but “on every platform” =/= “everywhere.”
Thanks for the case in point, comrade! 2 days ago
I meant it’s not limited to
And yeah, it’s pretty easy to tell disinfo most of the time if you prod a little.
I got banned from some .ml community because I had the audacity to suggest that maybe Russia isn’t the best place in the world for individual privacy, but I think the mod was from another instance altogether. I honestly can’t remember the details, but it was pretty clear a few steps into the discussion that they were at least a Russian apologist if not full-on spreading disinfo intentionally, so I baited them to push the mod button. And they did. I could have disengaged, but I don’t want to be part of a community where even mild criticism of a nation isn’t allowed. 2 days ago
Lemmy for one is infested with Russian pretending to be American.
Everyone you don’t like is a russian troll, to be honest i’ve yet to meet someone on lemmy that is actually from russia. 2 days ago
The people who are too scared of saying “Putin is breaking international law with the illegal invasion of Ukraine and is a war criminal and should be tried for his crimes”, or even “Putin is a criminal” or “Putin is wrong” or “Russia was wrong to invade Ukraine”, the people who never utter a single detail about themselves (except when claiming to be “born&bred American”) but constantly comment on American politics, and each of their comments aligns with Russian propaganda?
Yeah, it’s not “everyone”, sweetums. <3
If you guys drank less and read more as a people you wouldn’t be ridiculed so bad. Now it’s like genuinely ridiculous how unaware you are of how fucking see-through you are.
It’s ludicrous. I would laugh if it the Americans also weren’t so stupid that you actually managed to put an agent at their head of state. Because that is actually worrying.
Russia itself is weak and backwards as fuck but if they manage to mangle the US, Russia+China will give Europe a running for our money. 2 days ago
You are accusing me of being a russian troll for a simple reply to your comment 2 days ago
Dude wee had this chat like a dozen times.
Here’s how it’ll go.
I point out your shitty rhetoric. You equivocate. I ask if you wouldn’t mind confirming Putin is a warcriminal, you get scared of being thrown out of a window and don’t reply, then I point out how you’re a little scaredycat, afraid of saying “Putin is a smalldicked dictator”, then you pretend “I already said it” (when you never did.)
Then I point that out and you run away as usual 2 days ago
Why that one though? Just because it’s more ‘official’ as the devs instance? 2 days ago
Are another two just off the top of my head. 2 days ago
Yep, definitely agree with those.
US community on is also Russian modded. I got to admit, it’s not entirely stupid of Russia to try and go to as many non-official official servers they can. Like Ireland on Discord, US News/Politics on Lemmy and through modding those communities, control the way the rhetoric leans.
It’s just annoying how many people won’t recognise that and instead but into all of it 2 days ago
The sad thing is that a good amount of these guys aren’t actually working for the state. A lot of them are actually immigrants who left Russia for more opportunities, but are still rampant nationalist attempting to damage the countries that gave them a new home. 2 days ago
Oh yeah definitely most aren’t hired state actors. Just perpetuating the bullshit.
I don’t know how many people in the line there are but basically Russia wants something to lean in a certain direction, so they spread all fucking sorts on purpose with a small amount of people. But as I’ve said, it’s incredibly easy to get non-official official things online. Like claim an artist, a country, a community of anything that’s already popular, on any platform, and then pretend to #1 be that kind of person, but constantly feed in the opinions you want to bend.
A dozen, two dozen people like that actually doing it as a job will make a huge fucking wave if utilised properly. And I’ve no idea of the numbers Russians have plus all the botnets and simps and then at the bottom of the line, the American MAGAt aping shit they read on those platforms, thinking they’re “just saying what everyone is thinking” while actually aping Russian propaganda.
Hate to say it but goddamn America needs a little bit more fear towards Russia. The whole world has pretty much written off Russia since Ukraine actually stood up to them and Russia didn’t just blitzkrieg through.
But everyone has forgotten what they’re really good at. It’s not the bullying border neighbours, that’s just their hobby. Their profession is spycraft and disinfo.