Where can you get a 2TB SSD for $85? Most 2TB SSD’s I’ve seen cost about €120 with the cheapest going down to €98.
SSDs have gotten much cheaper. 10 years ago, they were over $0.50/GB, now they’re just over $0.04/GB That’s over 12 times cheaper.
You can get a 2tb ssd for $85. 10 years ago a 2tb ssd would’ve been super expensive and very boogie.
qaz@lemmy.world 2 days ago
GeekySalsa@lemmy.world 1 day ago
There are several options here below $90 (including a couple nvme ones), and a couple at or below $85: pcpartpicker.com/products/internal-hard-drive/#t=…
hark@lemmy.world 2 days ago
SSDs were even cheaper until memory manufacturers decided it was getting too cheap: tomshardware.com/…/ssd-prices-predicted-to-skyroc…
They predicted prices would go higher and, through the magic of intentionally constricting supply, it happened. Prices still have not dropped back down to where they were in 2023.
GeekySalsa@lemmy.world 1 day ago
I’m not sure if SSDs were really cheaper before. RIght now, I’m seeing about $0.043-$0.05/GG. From what I recall, that’s about the same or a little better than what we had in 2023.
However, I very much agree that prices should have decreased much further in that time.
hark@lemmy.world 1 day ago
This isn’t extensive, but when looking up products on amazon through camelcamelcamel that existed in 2023 and now, the trend matches up: