Comment on Core One vs. Corona 2.4. 2 days agoMk4s owner here and I’m super unhappy with the output of my factory assembled mk4s, due to a consistent first layer problem. The mk4s is related to the core 1 as far as I know as the “next gen”.
Prusa seems to be aware of the issue, but I feel they are still messing around greatly with any kind of actual solution to the problem, that actually led me to pulling the pin on any work purchases from Prusa at all.
I actually got sent a second factory assembled mk4s as a “make good”, and the new unit had the exact same problem, right out of the box…
If I had my time again, I wish I’d have gone the Voron in some kind of pre-packed kit form… 2 days ago
Not a Prusa user, but the title of that bug does look accurate - the first layer is too low. Does Prusa support bed mesh and is there a way of setting the zero point of the bed relative to whatever they’re doing for z-endstop?
In klipper land there are solutions to this, but they’re not baked into the out of the box solution.
On my Voron if I want to guarantee a good first layer, I must:
My first layer is nearly aways flat. It will occasionally be too high or too low because there was a goober on the end stop or something else along those lines.
Are you sure things are clean? Likewise, are you running a mesh? Have you tried adjusting z-offset up a touch?
Honestly, I would start with first layer squish as you could easily be too low.