One beer will give you like 0.05%*
Maybe if you shotgun it on an empty stomach or something.
With the weight of the average American, and the abv of the average American Miller Lite, one beer ain’t gonna get you anywhere near .05.
One beer will give you like 0.05%*
Maybe if you shotgun it on an empty stomach or something.
With the weight of the average American, and the abv of the average American Miller Lite, one beer ain’t gonna get you anywhere near .05. 3 days ago
I used my own weight and type of beer for reference, but fair enough that that’s not representative!
Still, do they limit it to 2 beers then? 3 days ago
Beer at stadiums in America are like $15 each, I’m sure that stops some overconsumption 3 days ago
Holy shit that’s bad, that’s bring-a-flask territory for me 3 days ago
I think they limit to 2 per transaction (been awhile since I’ve been to a ballgame), but that definitely wouldn’t stop you from handing those to your wife and going to the next stall over and buying two more, or coming back for more after the next inning.
As another commenter said, in baseball they usually stop all alcohol sales after the 7th inning. I’d guess they do similar with other sports. I can see that being enough time to be largely ok to drive (especially by the time you hoof it down to your car and make it out of the parking lot) assuming you only had 2-3 over the course of the whole game. If you’d been dropping a beer per inning, probably less so.