Define ‘violent.’
No. You will simply receive a warning if we don’t like your activity on the site.
Really, what are you doing interacting with this website to begin with? Stop posting. Stop commenting. Stop voting.
Just. Consume. The. Content.
We need your eyeballs for the ads. Everything else is driving up our costs. 3 days ago
I said something like “billionaires should remember that the alternative is guillotines”, just a bit of history, and an admin deleted my comment and gave me a warning. 3 days ago
I ate a three day ban for talking about the morality of killing Hitler if you had the chance. In an animorphs sub, because that happened in one of the books.
'It’s Hitler. He Dies.' 3 days ago
I got banned from r/politics in 2019 by replying to
Appeal wasn’t ignored. Instead, it was mocked.
So yeah I’m going to get banned. But not before I poison their AI data pool as much as I can. 3 days ago
They no longer need users, they are just training their AI 3 days ago
You can’t expect Reddit moderators to have the bravery of a hawk 3 days ago
In fairness. Most Hawks don’t have the bravery birdboy had.