Government spend much money. Much money come from tax and borrowing. Let’s pretend there’s $100 in the economy. Gov’t takes 10% in tax. They spend $10, and the rest of the people share $90.
When next year comes, the economy grew to $110 and the government Collect $11 in tax, but actually decide to spend $20. Meaning they borrowed $9.
Year 3, economy grows to $150. Government gets $15 in tax, everyone feels “richer”, but government has to borrow to pay the $9 on last year, plus whatever new spending this year. Let’s say gov’t now owes $50.
So the next year! They create inflation and everyone has lots of money but can’t afford shit. Maybe economy balloons to stupidity like $500. Government takes $50, and pays off their debt. Or could.
In in this way, over time, inflation helps reduce the massive debt load incurred by governments because $1 is a lot easier to get in 2023 than it was in 2019. 1 year ago
You’re missing basic knowledge, not new data or a political trend. If you live in the western world, you should know everything is about debt and inflation. How can college cost 75k a year? Access to debt. How could people but housed after 1975? Access to debt, how can people afford health care? Access to debt. Every time a large portion of society gets ahead of the curve, there needs to be price increases to increase the debt. That’s it. That’s everything in the US and many western countries. The debt has to be increased. That is where the wealthy make the most profit.