Apparently, the Micro was the last Game Boy product that Nintendo made.
Very elegant.
Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 1 day ago
Humm, for PCs I’d have to say iMac
For game consoles it’s a hard debate between the GameBoy Pocket or the GameBoy Micro. One is the essence of a GameBoy shrunken down to a power efficent and usable design. While the other is the smallest you can make a console while still having it usable.
Apparently, the Micro was the last Game Boy product that Nintendo made.
Very elegant.
I would say the cutoff is Game Boy Advance SP and Micro is a poseur, because Micro can’t play original Game Boy or Color games. 1 day ago
I still have that GBA micro laying around somewhere. An ex GF stole my reloadable cartridge though. :(