Comment on Why does it seem like many Americans have an arrogant personality trait? 1 day ago
There are good replies here already, but I just want to emphasize the role of bragging. It seems boasting about yourself is quite accepted and sometimes perhaps even expected in the US. In Europe it is not at all, and we tend to react strongly to it.
Whenever I've found Americans to be insufferable they've always been bragging or taking themselves too seriously.
Not all Americans obviously. And I guess a lot of Americans can't stand these people either. But it's still a common American trait that very few Europeans will have patience for. 1 day ago
Yeah, my mom and I (in the Philippines) saw an American talk about having lots of money quite loudly in a shopping mall. We were put off. 2 hours ago
American here. If I was at a mall here in the US and heard this kind of bragging I’d roll my eyes, too.
I was once trying to buy some snacks at a market and a person’s card was declined so they started bragging about how much money they had in the bank and that the store was wrong. Everyone just sighed and groaned around her.