How am I supposed to curate my own Lemmy when conservative subs are turned into crappy meme factory’s poking fun at the conservatives which is already what all of the other subs fucking do.
This is like building a Starbucks across the street from another Starbucks and then telling me to find coffee somewhere else when all the fucking coffee places in a 10 mile radius have already been bought out and converted to yet another goddamn Starbucks. 2 days ago
Are we supposed to feel bad for fascist apologists? Republicans have always been unrepentant bastards or gullible fucking morons. Usually both because they’re objectively impaired for both empathy and intelligence.
Stupid -…
But not just conservatives, all Americans are dumber:…/across-all-ages-demographics-t…
Decades of obvious racism:…/nixon-war-on-drugs-designed-to-criminal……/exclusive-lee-atwaters-infamous-1……/gop-strategists-daughter-leaks-secre… 2 days ago
If they are so unfathomably stupid then how do you alleged geniuses keep losing elections to those morons?
Do you think it might have something to do with how unbelievably smug and elitist some of you guys come across?
I’m not even disagreeing with your specific points as I think they are generally correct, but you have to realize that pointing at a group of people and basically calling them too stupid to know any better is never going to get them to change or side with you. All it will do is make them hate you. 2 days ago
Several points.
One, look over my post history and you’ll see I’m not a fan of the Democrats because they’re marginally less bad conservatives.
Two, like I give a fuck if reality hurts their feelings, but I’m not being elitist favoring my side. Anyone falling for the false dichotomy doesn’t understand reality to the point they could form opinions that matter. Like anyone that favors term limits is automatically a gullible rube that hasn’t looked into it at all. The majority of people rely on received opinions and specious reasoning for almost everything because actual consistent coherent thought is a learned still.
Three, I’m being objective and not judgemental, hence the links. There’s hard data everyone is just fucking dumber largely due to Republican efforts being met half way. 1 day ago
I love you. Unironically. 😅 1 day ago
Two party system gives Conservatives a bais. Particularly with the first past the post system