2 days ago
The article does a good job of highlighting what a terrible job the Albanese Government has done in dealing with gambling advertising.
I also find myself surprised to not disagree that strongly with Delany about anti-siphoning laws. I expected he’d be against them entirely. Instead, he just suggests that they could be available exclusively through streaming services, so long as they’re still free. Personally I do still disagree with this because even free, they’d probably require an account and collect your data, and because of the need for a reliable internet connection.
Still, it’s not so bad. If they were mandated to do it without creating an account, I’d probably support it. 2 days ago
I can’t believe nothing was done about the gambling advertising. It’s gotten ridiculously out of hand, almost comically so. 2 days ago
has it? for me its pokies that are the issue, i’ve seen gambling advertisements in sports for over 10 years now all over the world, ufc/epl/f1/nrl, still not spent a single dollar
seems like it’s a more highlighted issue simply because you see it:
sport gambling represents under 5% of the problem gambling issue. Overwhelmingly it’s about poker machines. Then it’s followed by lotteries and lotto tickets and those issues as well.”