Comment on Meow 3 days agoHere’s a study from Oklahoma State University specifically talking about the effects of mainland cats in contrast to island cats:
“Our review shows overwhelming evidence that, beyond causing island extinctions, where there were no native predators, and massive numbers of mainland wildlife deaths, cats can exert multiple types of harmful impacts on mainland wildlife species that are reflected at the population level,” 3 days ago
Thanks, this seems more in line with what I was wondering. but I’ll need to see if I can get access to the full paper. The example given in Australia actually fits my hypothesis since they historically lacked felid predators. So I’d like to see the full list to see the location and severity of the effects they’re reporting. 3 days ago
Here you go:…/fee.1633 2 days ago
Oh I’ve got the link, but it’s paywalled. I’ll find the full paper later. 2 days ago
Here’s a non-paywalled PDF:…/Loss-and-Marra-2017-Population-imp…