That’s a wasted vote, and not an option in the federal elections. It’s just as important to keep the extreme right-wing Liberal and National parties from power, as it is to preference the better minor parties (make sure to investigate as some minors and independents are extreme right-wing nutbags)>
Comment on Labor says Dutton has questions to answer over timing of share purchases 3 days agoYou no longer have to vote for the majors at all. We can now withhold votes completely. 2 days ago 2 days ago
It’s important to keep all right wing parties from power Lib or Lab. 2 days ago
Yes, and abstaining only gives them a larger proportion of the votes.
Find the left wing candidates (the senate has some even if your local ballot doesn’t) and preference them, if you want to help keep out Lib and Lab. 1 day ago
The ordering of how right wing they are matters. That’s the whole point of preferential voting.
If you abstain from ranking all candidates, you are acting the same as US voters claiming that “both sides are the same” and then not voting, particularly if your preferred minor candidate(s) doesn’t have a chance of winning in your electorate. 1 day ago
And this is exactly why America ended up with Trump, people always wanting to support the lesser of two evils.
Don’t do what Americans do. Don’t blindly support a shit right wing party because you’re scared of a shit right wing party.
If Lab want my vote back, they can earn it instead of sliding further right every year. 2 days ago
Cause left wing has been working so well……. 2 days ago
We’ve had zero left wing, so wouldn’t have a fucking clue what you’re on about mate. 1 day ago
That is a terrible idea. You just threw your vote away, That is how the really bad guys get in. 1 day ago
This isn’t America mate. 1 day ago
Exaclty. They have a dumbarse first past the post system where you either vote for a shit party or throw your vote away. So people throw their vote away if they are disillusioned with the shit two party system.
We have an S tier electoral system where you can rank your preferences and make politicians aware that people are voting for particular issues and still make sure your vote goes to the least bad major. We don’t want the sort of ignorance they have in the US where nobody gives a fuck and votes then they act all surprised with the results. Fuck that. As major parties go the ALP is ok. They won’t be my first choice but I am not leaving a vote that impacts my family to a bunch of News Corp readers. 1 day ago
I’m voting Greens and any leftist minor party.
I’m not voting Lib, Lab, or any other rightist party.
As major parties go, Lab are only okay compared to Lib. They’re thoroughly shit when compared to our better options. 3 days ago
In some states, but not in federal elections 3 days ago
exhausting your vote might be bad depending on your seat.
Also be careful with some minors. There are a lot that are essentially just the LNP or worse.