You make the argument that this is all a new concept for people. That the issue of gay marriage or whatever is on the chopping block this week, is something that is a new topic. These topics have been at the forefront of conversation for decades now. And even if you somehow haven’t been subject to the talking heads on every media outlet for the last 50 years, there is a level of common sense that I think is necessary to even walk upright that tells you, “Hey, these people should be able to marry whoever they want, because it has zero effect on my life.”
Critical thinking is at an all time low. No one has been thinking for themselves in decades, it seems, and when there are consequences for their actions, they just think a half-assed apology is enough to get the job done, and they go one with their lives like nothing was ever wrong. I’m done with it. I’m done with the people that think that way. I don’t have a place for them in my world. I don’t want them near me, I don’t want them interacting with me, and I don’t want them to infect others with their disease.
Everyone has a right to live and a right to think what they want to think, but if you are wrong, then you are wrong, and if you continue to be wrong despite all of the evidence to the contrary, then you are a detriment to this species, and your role has to be minimized. I’m not going to advocate for taking away the rights of people I don’t agree with, but I’m also sure as hell not going to welcome them with open arms when they finally decide to come around. They can continue to live their lives, and they can do the right thing from here on out, but being an asshole that suddenly gets it right doesn’t get a pat on the back. It get’s a shrug as I continue on my way. I’ve already wasted enough time and effort on changing hearts and minds. If they haven’t got it by now, then I don’t care if they ever do.
There are others out there that need my help more than the hillbilly lifelong GOP voter. They can fend for themselves. I’m not going to waste a breath on them when I am too busy fixing all of the shit they’ve been breaking. If they want to do good, great, get a hammer and some nails and get to work. If they don’t, fine, just stop kicking out the supports we are trying to build to keep everyone else safe. Being a good person doesn’t get a participation trophy. It doesn’t even get weekends off. It’s the baseline. It’s the expectation. If they can’t meet it, kick rocks. 4 days ago
The problem is they don’t have all evidence to the contrary, as you say. They’re told there’s a massive issue of trans people playing sports and making impossible for women to compete, and things like that. They’re given very impassioned reasons to believe that they’re believing the morally correct thing. They’re told it’s to protect people. You just refuse to accept that your “opponent” can have the same moral reasons for doing something as you do.
Yeah, sure. I’m not asking you to. I’m asking you to shut the fuck up while other people try to do good. You don’t need to tell them they aren’t allowed in joining us to fix things, or to work to get them on side. You just need to sit down and not say anything. You seem to have plenty of time to waste telling them they won’t be accepted, which can’t work to do good. 4 days ago
They are allowed to join in and fix things. They shouldn’t do it for an attaboy, though. You talk about the information that they’ve been given as though they only have the one source. Willfully ingesting poison is suicide. They keep going back to the same fear mongering news sources that spout the same shit. Why? Because fear and hatred feel so fucking good. Oh, god. Like an orgasm for the soul. I’m persecuted, but look at me, I’m still standing. So, yeah, I’ll shut the fuck up. This will be my last message. But don’t make it like these fucks are the victims. They are the ones doing it to themselves. Go read a Reuters article. Check out NPR. Give APNews a glance. OAN and Joe Rogan are fucking toxins. They have all the tools at their disposal, but they refuse to use them.