In this context, SKU refers to a variant of this product
Comment on Framework’s first desktop is a strange—but unique—mini ITX gaming PC 5 days agoWhat’s a SKU? Google just says “Stock Keeping Unit”, but I don’t think that’s correct in this context. 5 days ago 5 days ago
its used to mean a new product that you specifically have to keep track of. e. g if you found framework desktops in a store, it wouldnt all be sold under 1 sku. all 3 ram capacities would be 3 different bar codes 5 days ago
a new product
not only new 5 days ago
As others said.
In this context it would be one of the CPU/Memory combinations framework offers:…/List_of_AMD_Ryzen_processors#S… 5 days ago
It’s correct. A product with various options will have each combination of options under a different SKU. It’s a singular number that identifies an exact version of a product.