BGs have shown us nothing but good will, we’re following their guidelines strictly on assets - i.e. nothing ported, everything remade from scratch - and we’re requiring both Morrowind and Skywind to be installed… but there’s no guarantee. We’re not stressed about it.
Comment on We're remaking Morrowind as a Skyrim mod. Here's a charity livestream we held on the weekend. 6 days ago
So I’m actually interested in this but I do have a question before I am willing to invest love into this, the question explaining why I’m hesitant.
Every other major mod that I can think of that overhauls old work or bridges games always ends up being shut down. Usually because of pushback by the original developer or publisher, whether that just be threats or an actual cease and desist. So here’s the question.
What is the guarantee that this isn’t going to get shut down immediately too, or is this just entirely a gamble? 6 days ago 6 days ago
Same reason Skyblivion is allowed to exist; they’re making all the assets from scratch. Usually, the issue developers have with in-engine remakes has little to do with the modification of the engine, but everything to do with the mod team basically stealing assets from a different game. In truth, there’s no difference between Skywind and your favorite Skyrim overhaul mod besides the scope and scale of what they’re trying to do. 5 days ago
Clarification: Skyblivion is making most of the assets from scratch, but requires users to own Oblivion in order to import some additional assets and the full voicework which is still coming from Oblivion. There’s an installer which checks for both. 5 days ago
Hmm, wonder how that’s going to be okayed. Also, didn’t they have voice actors? I’m sure they’re using original audio for at least some of it. 4 days ago
Why would it need to be “okayed”? If they’re not providing the files then they’re not infringing on any IP.