Comment on In a hypothetical revolution who would secure the resistances comms? 6 days ago
I’m going to point out, for the technologically illiterate, that GPS satellites do not in any way track people.
GPS satellites go “beep” and by listening to the timing of those “beeps” from different satellites, a GPS receiver on earth can determine it’s own location via triangulation. It’s a bit more complicated than that, but that’s the basic idea.
The only way you can be “tracked via gps” is if your GPS tracking device is also transmitting information using some other method (cell phone, radio signals, non-gps satellite connection, etc.) 6 days ago
This is correct, but that said if you’re doing anything Donnie don’t like, especially something you’ll likely be investigated for, your position can be actively tracked via cell towers, and software backdoors will happily record and transmit your GPS position over the internet, even disabling all this stuff you can never really know for sure, so keep that phone off.