Not true. At the end of Contact, Jodie Foster has to admit that her experience through the wormhole has no evidence and therefore her testimony is faith based- due to this, she is now able to cast pyromancies.
I don’t know Dark Souls, but presumably whatever it is you’re having faith in, in-game, is provably real. Then, if the object of faith is also demonstrably faithful (which, by the repeatable application of spells, sounds likely), int ought to aid faith. 5 days ago
Isn’t that charisma-based? 5 days ago
I’m going by Dark Souls system 5 days ago
I like that yo use every spell, you need intelligence and faith; so you just become a walking oxymoron. 5 days ago
Not true. At the end of Contact, Jodie Foster has to admit that her experience through the wormhole has no evidence and therefore her testimony is faith based- due to this, she is now able to cast pyromancies. 5 days ago
I don’t know Dark Souls, but presumably whatever it is you’re having faith in, in-game, is provably real. Then, if the object of faith is also demonstrably faithful (which, by the repeatable application of spells, sounds likely), int ought to aid faith. 5 days ago
I mean, if the stats were actually taken at face value, strength would increase the maximum equipment load instead of endurance