Again, you’re not taking about the content of the article. Just that you found a headline you thought was flattering and posted it here.
Comment on Trump and Musk aren’t the first to make deep cuts. Clinton-era Reinventing Government saved billions 5 days agoI’m going to assume you support these actions Trump and Musk are doing due to your whole…thing…you have going on here.
I posted an AP News article.
Thus using what we call context clues, I am going to assume you don’t agree with the thrust of this article.
I posted the article. Why would I post an article I wouldn’t read?
So yes, your reading comprehension is suspect. Due to, ya know, everything you’re doing here.
I posted an AP News article. 5 days ago 5 days ago
I read and posted an AP News article. What are you going on about? 5 days ago
Then tell me some things about the article. How’s what Musk is doing is different than what the Clinton administration did? 5 days ago
If you can’t read it, then that’s not my problem. 5 days ago
Doubling down, I see. This should prove I’m not an idiot!