The problem with vandalising or destroying swastikars is that the cameras continuously monitor the vehicle and surrounds.
If you already have a can of spray paint in your hands, that sounds like an easy problem to remedy.
Comment on Swastikcar showing a roman rust pattern in Lower Manhattan 1 week ago
The problem with vandalising or destroying swastikars is that the cameras continuously monitor the vehicle and surrounds.
Balaclava, or motorcycle helmet, as much skin covering as possible, and an approach on foot or bicycle would be wise if someone were to attempt such an egregious, obviously illegal, act.
The problem with vandalising or destroying swastikars is that the cameras continuously monitor the vehicle and surrounds.
If you already have a can of spray paint in your hands, that sounds like an easy problem to remedy.
At least if you know where the cameras are 1 week ago
Eh, they can’t really do anything about it. My brother had a tesla, pre fascists Elon, and someone through a rock at the windshield while it was parked. The camera captured everything and you can clearly see the guy but he couldn’t do anything about it. The cops aren’t going to go on a manhunt through the city for a vandal, this was in Detroit they have better things to do, and the guy looked unhoused anyway so he wasn’t going to get him to pay any way.