Seeding to ratios is self correcting, in my inexperienced opinion as I only share ISOs.
Unpopular thing sits on someone’s computer (not mine) for ages just happily waiting until it’s useful. Popular thing is in and out. Purely for files intended to be churned; try a distro (in facebooks case a book) use it, and delete it.
1:3 could be said to be a minimum (1 for to pay back, 1 to pay forward, and 1 to pay for a leecher)
Things that are going to be archived can be set as limitless as long as strain on hardware can be tolerated. 1 week ago
I’d you are the only one seeding it and get to 0.4, you just left others hanging with incomplete downloads.
However I do agree in general 1 week ago
That’s what I’m saying
It’s better to not even half-way seed a torrent with low availability than it is to seed one that everyone else is seeding, regardless of how high your ratio goes - it’s a point on how pointless it really is to waste your resources seeding something like that 1 week ago
The lazy approach is the best approach IMO. Seed everything, and if the ratio gets high, drop it. That way you get rid of useless popular torrents and keep the less popular ones. If everyone does that, things will work better.