It ain’t the left that’s in power, it’s the right. You’re not on the side of freedom fighters, you’re on the side of oppressors.
Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 weeks ago
Lol… friend, take the shit outta your head and heart.
They want you to feel helpless/hopeless. Don’t. Don’t let them win. Be positive, show love, and feel love.
Right now, this is what the left wants. They WANT you to be helpless/hopeless. You’re a lot easier to control that way.
Everything is fine (sorta). Ok, maybe not, but don’t freak out.
Trump won’t do everything right, but he’s taking an axe to the federal government, and that is always a good thing.
Screw the feds. Take down the feds. (Now I’m on a list) 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago
You’re either five and the phone should be taken away, or about to become very aware how fucking stupid this take is. 2 weeks ago
But he’s draining the swamp! And the bogs, fens, wetlands, critical aquifers…