My parents are dairy farmers and once or twice we had an entire cow in the deep freeze. Not any more though. It’s barely worth if you take the butchering cost and the electricity from he freezer in account. 1 week ago
Wasn’t there a post on here not long ago with someone thinking the same thing about getting half an avocado? Like “woah someone else is eating the same avocado as me”. This also applies to say, cows. Pretty rare to eat one single cow yourself. 1 week ago 1 week ago
If you have the freezer space, a butcher will happily sell you a whole cow, butchered into a mix of steaks, roasts, and ground beef to your specified quantities!
Allows to cities with fishmongers as well, although it’d usually be restaurants buying whole tuna to serve fresh or in steaks rather than canned. 1 week ago
Oh I missed that! But wait, where you can buy half an avocado? Why would you only want half? 1 week ago
I think they meant being served half an avocado on a restaurant dish.