Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 2 days ago
Look at Tesla stock prices - even after a slight deflation it’s astronomically overvalued and divorced from reality.
We’re in a speculative bubble baby! 2 days ago
Divorced from reality? Teslas CEO controls Treasury payments as of a week ago.
I cannot think of an easier bet than on a dictator’s personal interests rising. Trump is just a sock puppet for a bit. Musk, Vance, etc. are the next Gen of uglier. 2 days ago
The market was significant out of whack before this election even began.
Tesla’s stock price is 99% pure (dumb) speculation. 2 days ago
It was dumb speculation until he took down all regulatory apparatus, and grabbed the national checkbook while trump made himself a puppet king. Now any money not in Tesla is crazy.