What is this? A keyboard for ants?!?
Comment on BlackBerry's iconic keyboard patent has expired
AlternateRoute@lemmy.ca 1 week ago
Un popular opinion when I had to support those damn things I actually hated the keyboards, always felt the keys where too small
sik0fewl@lemmy.ca 1 week ago
Nalivai@lemmy.world 1 week ago
You need to adjust your patterns to it, but when you do, oh boy is it convenient. I still can type on it blindly almost as quick as I do with full desktop keyboard, and I’m pretty quick with that
ZeffSyde@lemmy.world 1 week ago
It still blows my mind how fast my friends and I were able to text on feature phones with T9.
I wonder if the suggestions ended up shaping our language patterns.
Nalivai@lemmy.world 1 week ago
I never used T9 because of that. It never knew what I want to say.
AlternateRoute@lemmy.ca 1 week ago
For reference I have large hands and throught the original huge Xbox “Duke” Controller was comfortable.