Wow, thank you for the very detailed post! I see that impedance matching is an important base subject. Is it covered in standard circuit theory textbooks. I’m looking to use this book. I tried to skim the contents but couldn’t find it… Maybe I need to separately learn it? Thanks.
Comment on I want to learn designing IOT PCBs (with 2.4Ghz wireless) 2 weeks ago
Start looking for YouTube videos with Eric Bogatin. He is a professor at CSU Boulder and has re-written the book on proper PCB design. (He does have a book, but he debunked a ton of old theories on high frequency board design and signal integrity.)
Once your signal get past a certain speed, you need to learn how electricity actually flows while understanding that both AC and DC theory applies. If you didn’t know that energy flows in the field around a wire, you probably need to step back a little before you step forward. (Reference Veritasium on YouTube: The Big Misconception About Electricity )
You don’t really need to get into heavy RF theory, but it helps. If there is anything you must learn about, it’s impedance matching and why it matters. To summarize quickly, if there is an impedance mismatch between your transmitter and your antenna, you could easily blow out your transmitter due to excessive power draw and signal reflection. (That is somewhat rare for low power devices, but not uncommon once you start to transmit above 5-10 watts.) If a device needs an antenna, use it, even if were are talking about something as common as WiFi.
For your first designs, respect trace lengths and recommended components. Most of all, respect the keep out areas around an antenna diagram and ensure your ground plane is properly designed and away from the antenna. There are many shitty designs that do work, but you want to strive for precision for your first few iterations.
Also, decoupling becomes more than just a thing to do that might improve stability of your MCU or other components. It’s entirely possible to get the rest of your PCB resonating which will cause all kinds of noise. This is partially negated with proper decoupling.
High frequency design just takes a little more care. Just remember the basic saying: Everything is a resistor, capacitor and inductor.
Now, if you just work with modules (and ESP32 with an integrated antenna comes to mind), almost all of the hard work is done. Make sure you have proper clearances, slap the thing on a board and you are good to go.
For the absolute basics, impedance matching with proper antenna length is what you need to learn first. (Receivers are much more forgiving than transmitters, btw.) 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago
That book is a great start, actually. AC theory is critical in understanding RF circuits.
I noticed there were dedicated sections in that book for LC/RLC circuits. In regards to RF, you might see those referenced as resonant tank circuits, so keep that in mind as you move forward.
You aren’t going to see too much about impedance matching until you start working with transmission lines, as far as I know.
I just looked this up and ready through it and it seems like a good intro. It’ll be confusing unless you have a basic understanding of AC: ……/msa2021-understanding-impedance-ma… 2 weeks ago
Okay great! Thanks for all the great insight! 2 weeks ago
Any time! Just learn what you can now and pass the knowledge forward later. 2 weeks ago
I feel personally attacked. 2 weeks ago
Lol! I suppose the million dollar question is if you are generating interference. You are allowed to have a shitty design that works as long as you aren’t causing grandmas pacemaker any problems. 2 weeks ago
My stuff is all in the middle of nowhere for making my watering bowls talk to the pumps or open cattle gates over Lora, and I’ve moved back to prebuilt E32 modules because they’re way less expensive than all that shit used to be.
We don’t spend money on Grandma, she’ll outlive us all. 2 weeks ago
It might be worth it for you to get a ham radio license. If the low power modules work for what you need, that is just fine. For the distances you are talking about with cattle fields, being able to legally transmit at over 1000 watts could have perks. (I jest, but having a little more power, in the 1 to 2 watt range, might be practical.)
At a minimum, a portable ham radio might be a good safety tool depending on the size of the ranch. It would be hella more reliable than CB as well. 2 weeks ago
wow didnt’ know that Ebyte modules were that popular! I’ve come across them in site like lcsc and Ali… Making use of them is what my current skill level allows. some of the varieties are relatively expensive though…