Comment on A balanced diet is important ⁨2⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

I have no idea what those things on the left are.

In the past week or two I be cooked with horse, venison and reindeer. All more moral meats than factory farmed, imo. Delicious as fuck when you known what you’re doing.

On a sidenote, the small store I got the reindeer from… I told the shopkeep how the reindeer had been wonderful when I got some more venison from them, and how I was enjoying eating cruelty free meat. Perhaps she didn’t really listen too what I said as her answer was to offer me some veal. (I did buy it though but that’s so immoral in comparison, sort of glad I fucked up the dish with too many mushrooms so I didn’t particularly enjoy the veal.)

This reindeer was great:


I’m not high on presentation but I was taking pictures for my food log for health reasons so I put a basil leaf on top. That’s gluten and dairy free though, as it’s gluten-free pasta. Which suck in general, btw, this is the only acceptable one I’ve found (Rummo).

I start by slow-cooking veggies for a few hours, mirepoix/soffritto style but with large veggies instead of diced. During that take the mince out to warm and rub some salt and spices into it. Then flash it in a hot pan and add to sauce and start building tomato and red wine based sauce around those. Simple, just takes a bit of time.
